Weight: 113 g / 4 oz
Price: $4.99 per Bar
Size: 2.75" tall x 2.25 " wide x 1.25" thick
Ingredients: Shea Soap Base with Eucalyptus essential oils
Tree of Life with Shea Buttter Soap
This shea butter soap base has a tree of life emblem on it. This soap is known for its moisturizing and cleansing of the skin. We added eucalyptus essential oil for it's antiseptic and healing properties.
Ingredients used for their benefits:
Shea Butter Soap Base: is made with 5% Refined Shea Butter along with natural vegetable skincare oils, oat protein and 20% vegetable glycerin, making this soap base moisturizing and cleansing for the skin.
Essential Oil: Eucalyptus has antiseptic and healing properties.